You are here: About system maintenance > Backup and recovery > Recovering data > Finding deleted files in the filesystem

Finding deleted files in the filesystem

Project Portal stores deleted document attachment files in the filesystem for 7 days before actually deleting the files. These files are stored in the following path:

<install_dir>/Kronodoc/KRONO/projects/<workspaceid>/data/deldocs/<deltime>_Doc<docid>_<file name>

In order to restore deleted files, the following information is needed:

If all of this information is not available, you must try to find the log entry corresponding to the file deletion in the log table (see section Recovering files from back up). Use whatever impartial information on the deletion event you might have to find the correct log entry.

The file is renamed in the deldocs directory by including the time of deletion as Unix Time  (in seconds starting from 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC) together with the document internal ID of the document that contained the file.

The time of deletion can be defined in seconds for example by using the following command:

date -d "2009-02-13 23:31:30+00:00" +%s